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Dignified dying in hospices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The history of modern palliative and hospice care in which context the palliative and hospice care are develops in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are relatively short. In recent years, it was and it is repeatedly emphasized by many important global, European and national institutions that palliative and hospice care should be a priority area for development of health care and that every citizen has the right to universal access for its - every citizen has the right to die with dignity.

The current situation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is insufficient and doesn't respond to current needs. With regard to current population aging and the risk of intergenerational value shift and misunderstanding, the democratic society can't ignore these facts.

Millions of people die each year, which brings quality care for dying to the global problem. In this context, in our work we focuses attention to the possibility of dignified dying in CR and SR and to the complex palliative and hospice care as an aspect of health and social system.