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Knowledge, desirable and real values in Olympic Movement - a view of Czech youth

Publikace na Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu |

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Olympic values can have a real impact, or stay at the level of desire. The objectives of this study was to find out how the Czech youth aged 12-19 years (1274 boys and 1090 girls) know the facts about the Olympic movement, and they are able to distinguish between those values that have a real impact and those which have more or less desire characters.

Another objective was to determine how the knowledge of Olympic facts and values will change in the investigations conducted between the years 1998 and 2008. "Olympic questionnaire" was used to assess the knowledge about the facts of Olympic facts and the evaluation of Olympic values. The most desired and real values are those Olympic ones which are associated with sports performance.

Some real, ethical values, such as honour, cultural understanding, tolerance, etc. were assessed as less important. The order in which young people evaluate the Olympic values, their desirability and reality, in the period 1998 - 2008 has not changed.