The golf swing is one of the most complexes of sport motions. The purpose of this study was to describe weight transfer during the golf swing, determ ine interindividual stability of perfonnance and to determine the relation between weight transfer and club head speed.
To measure force action under lower extremities were used two force plates KISTLER and to detennine club head speed and golf swing phases were used kinematic analyzer CODA Motion System. Force action, measured separately under lower extremities, and dub head speed were evaluated at selected events of the golf swing, determined by the temporal position ofthe dub.
Weight transfer during the golf swing in elite golf players founded in this study is in agreernent with recommended weight transfer in golf coach 's literature and with previous studies. High interindividual stability of perfonnance in weight transfer parameters was found.
We found a positive relation between the force action under front lower extremity and dub head speed and a negative relation between the force action under back lower extremity and dub head speed for sorne subjects in bal! contact event. However, analysis of the fastest trials of players revealed the intluence of the force action of back lower extremity and dub head speed