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Seasonal and microscale variability of PM1 and PM10

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The study evaluates the middle scale spatial/seasonal variability of PM1 and PM10 at four sampling localities. Statistical significant differences in PM values could be crucial for a representative placement of a measuring station at the locality.

A set of 7 portable laser nephelometers DustTrak - DT (8520, TSI) was used to record 5 minute integrates of PM1 and PM10 consecutively for each size for 3 days at 4 localities. The localities were rural, urban, background and freeway and contrasted as far as the main aerosol sources are concerned.

At each locality, inter-DT distances ranged from 30 - 500m, 80 - 220m, 70 - 150m, and 30m and total area covered 290 000 m2, 57 000 m2, 29 000m2, 240m2 in rural, urban, background and freeway locality, respectively.