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The Role of NGOs in Peaceful Settlement of Disputes and the Accountability of NGOs at the International Level

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Law |


The growth of non-governmental action both in quantitative and in qualitative terms has raised new problems and has put pressure on clarification of the NGOs´ legal status under international law. This contribution focuses on two problematic aspects – participation of NGOs in international legal proceedings and the question of accountability of NGOs at the international level.

The contribution attempts to clarify the possible role in international judicial proceedings, focusing on locus standi of NGOs and their role as amici curiae, and to delineate possible ways of solution of the complex questions of accountability. In the context of the second question, distinction between responsibility and accountability will be drawn, as responsibility as a narrower concept is limited by its interdependency with the concept of international legal personality, whereas accountability allows broader considerations, including the use of self-regulation concept or regulation of NGOs through the system of cooperation with states and international organizations.