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Anchoring vignette method and previous methodological and statistical approaches

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Self-assessment questions with ordinal scale are often used in research surveys. An example is ,,Overall in the last 30 days, how much of a problem did you have with moving around?” with five-point scale ,,none, mild, moderate, severe and extreme”.

Answers to these questions might be dependent not only on an objective situation of the respondent, which we usually aim to find out but also on his/her individual use of scale. Anchoring vignette method offers a solution to this problem so that it directly measures the heterogeneity in reporting behavior.

In this paper we aim to shortly describe the idea of this method. Next, we review methodological and statistical approaches inspiring the development of the method.

These are, for example, differential item functioning in item response theory, self-anchoring scale, designated anchors and statistical models such as ordered probit model and partial credit model.