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Reduced Progesterone Metabolites in Human Late Pregnancy

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


In this review, we focused on the intersection between steroid metabolomics, obstetrics and steroid neurophysiology to give a comprehensive insight into the role of sex hormones and neuroactive steroids (NAS) in the mechanism controlling pregnancy sustaining. The data in the literature including our studies show that there is a complex mechanism providing synthesis of either pregnancy sustaining or parturition provoking steroids.

This mechanism includes the boosting placental synthesis of CRH with approaching parturition inducing the excessive synthesis of 3 beta-hydroxy-5-ene steroid sulfates serving primarily as precursors for placental synthesis of progestogens, estrogens and NAS. The distribution and changing activities of placental oxidoreductases are responsible for the activation or inactivation of the aforementioned steroids, which is compartment-specific (maternal and fetal compartments) and dependent on gestational age, with a tendency to shift the production from the pregnancy-sustaining steroids to the parturition provoking ones with an increasing gestational age.

The fetal and maternal livers catabolize part of the bioactive steroids and also convert some precursors to bioactive steroids. Besides the progesterone, a variety of its 5a/beta-reduced metabolites may significantly influence the maintenance of human pregnancy, provide protection against excitotoxicity following acute hypoxic stress, and might also affect the pain perception in mother and fetus.