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Etiology, clinical features and therapy of onychomycoses

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Etiology, clinical features and treatment of onychomycosis Onychomycosis is an infection of the nail apparatus by microscopic fungi that include dermatophytes, yeasts (mainly Candida species) and nondermatophyte moulds. Dermatophyte infection, mostly due to Trichophyton rubrum, is the cause in over 90 % of cases.

The distribution of different pathogens depends on various factors such as climate, geography, migration, diabetes, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and peripheral arterial disease. Laboratory diagnosis consists of microscopy to visualize fungal elements (mycelia and spores) in the nail sample and culture to identify the species concerned.

Systemic therapy is almost always more successful than topical treatment, which should only be used in very early DLSO and SWO, or when systemic therapy is contraindicated.