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E-learning in the teaching of biophysics and its utilization to collect statistical data.



The main objective of this contribution is tu introduce and develop of e-learning study at first Faculty of Medicine, support the development of human resources by improving the quality and availability of degree programs for various target groups of students and expand the spectrum of the combined and distance learning. The e-learning study of biophysics include the lectures with sound, video for practical exercises, catalog of methods and e-learning system of protocols for practical training of students at prepared forms.

Collecting data from these forms provides amount of bio-dosimetric materials and measurements. For example, we can statistically evaluate and compare the levels of blood pressure measured by auscultatory, digital and palpation methods.

We can compare levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and their dependence on demographic and the next biometric factors which are easily accessible for healthy students (their gender, height, weight, stress tests etc.). The obtained results are compared with the accuracy of measurements and with the expected normal values in healthy population.

Students learn to design and solve formal regression or ANOVA models with systolic and diastolic blood pressure as dependent variables including biometric factors as explanatory ones. The result should point out the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of measuring pressure adequately with the changing conditions of the experiments.