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Iraqi physician brain drain in prolonged conflict

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of this paper is to review the phenomena of Iraqi Physician Brain Drain during a Prolonged Conflict from the Coalition invasion in 2003 to 2010. Personal interviews with migration experts, Iraqi doctors and policy makers, Iraq field travel over the course of four years, peer reviewed journals, and website and policy reviews, think tank data, governmental reports and publically available sources were reviewed and assessed from 2003 to 2010 to review the Iraq Brain Drain phenomenon.

At present, data related to those doctors who have fled Iraq due to the violence are inconclusive, fragmented and in some instances only anecdotal. Brain Drain in Iraq remains to be a major barrier of healthcare access for Iraqis.

The next aspect of Brain Drain research in Iraq must be the quantitative and systematic review of the number of doctors working in Iraq, the number of Iraqi medical school graduates and standardized medical practice assessment of clinical skills and knowledge for best medical outcomes.