The aim is to provide the text presented comprehensive information on cocaine - a very specific substance which has a long-established and important history in human culture and yet happened in the last hundred years a source of human misery and decay. The article is, with regard to its extent, divided into two chapters that follow each other and form a compact unit.
In the first part of the text describes the source of cocaine, it is a cultural nature, while the most widespread and best known, the coca bush (Erythroxylon coca), grown since ancient times (before Columbus) in South America. Cocaine, respectively. coca was originally used by local residents as a plant that has become a common part of the former community and an ideal complement the food and support life difficult in difficult natural conditions.
The general introduction followed by the dealing with ancient and modern history of the coca leaf and cocaine coke; Article description he continues in modern history, his experience and undoubted influence in the development of medicine - and also in terms of the early development cocaine.