Summary Healing of intestinal suture and anastomoses in the presence of radiation enteritis and peritonitis is associated with a high rate of postoperative complications. A case in point is the case report of a 68‑year‑old female patient who had to be managed by laparostomy for recurrent intestinal suture dehiscence.
TachoSil use to reinforce suture resulted in healing of the affected site even in the infectious field. The idea of improved healing of at‑risk intestinal anastomoses is not new, although none of the methods (intraluminal bypass, patches) has found long‑term widespread acceptance because of therapeutic failure.
In recent years, there have been several reports of experimental studies with collagen. In our case report, use of a collagen‑based patch containing fibrinogen and thrombin proved to be effective.Key words radiation enteritis, peritonitis, intestinal suture reinforced with TachoSil