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Analysis of social and health services for drug users in the Central Bohemian Region in terms of their desirability and availability



This study is a comprehensive material, which connects different sources of information and supplements them with new insights in terms of local authorities and citizens, while providing a more comprehensive interpretation of the status quo. The study uses the results of the analysis already carried out, which gives the mutual relationship.

At the same time the results combined with findings from the questionnaire survey conducted in March 2009 and content analysis of documents relating to the implementation of drug policy in the Central Region. The analysis provides insight into current social and health services for users of drugs in the region and formulate recommendations for future direction of the whole region.

The concept of messages consistently monitor the penetration of Laws No. 379/2005 Coll. (system of drug services from medical perspective) and No. 108/2006 Coll. (system of drug from the social services perspective), which we see as its basic legislative framework.