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Social work with drugs users

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


In every society there are social phenomena threatening its healthy functioning. These phenomena must be addressed on the one hand, to eliminate their negative impacts, to harm reduction, risk reduction and to look for other ways to prevent them.

This is the role of social work, which in our country has established not only as a practical activity, but finds their unique place in the system of social sciences. Social work is a desire to help every individual competence in overcoming life barriers, based on individual, group or community level.

The authors of the monograph amount target groups of social work chosen: actors of domestic violence, children with syndrome CAN, penitentiary clients, Roma people, hospis clients, drug users. These client groups are more devoted to the theoretical and empirical levels.

Author wishes to thank the team of opponents monograph, namely Dr. Peter Jusko and.

Dr.. Ivan Kusý, as well as the scientific editor dr. hab.

Krzysztof Piatek from Nicholas Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.