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Update on the molecular pathogenesis and clinical treatment of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL): minutes of the 9th European MCL Network conference

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a distinct subtype of malignant lymphoma which is characterized by the chromosomal translocation t(11; 14)(q13; q32), resulting in constitutional overexpression of cyclin D1 and cell cycle dysregulation in virtually all cases. Clinically, MCL shows an aggressive clinical course with a continuous relapse pattern and a median survival of only 3-5 years.

However, recently a subset of 15% long-term survivors has been identified with a rather indolent clinical course, even after conventional treatment strategies only. Advanced stage disease is usually apparent already at first clinical manifestation; thus, conventional chemotherapy is only palliative, and the median duration of remissions is only 1-2 years.

Emerging strategies including proteasome inhibitors, immune modulatory drugs (IMiDs), mTOR inhibitors, and others are based on the dysregulated control of cell cycle machinery and impaired apoptotic pathways.