The symptoms in the set of 353 patients with lung cancer in the time of diagnosis were as follows:cough in 69%,dyspnoe in 54%,lost of weight in 49%,expectoration of sputum in 39%,pain on the chest in 37%,haemopthysis in 18%,fever in 16%.Smoking men and women suffer from lung cancer in younger age than nosmokers,64 vs 71 years(p<0,0001). COPD was found in 40% of the studied set,more frequently have had epidermoid lung cancer.The TNM stages were as follows:Ia 6,5%,Ib 10,8%,IIa 0,8%,IIb 3,4%,IIIa 13%,IIIb 24,6%, IV 40,8%.Most frequent histological types were epidermoid cancer in 22,1% followed by adenocarcinoma(21,2%).Surgery underwent 17,4% from the whole set,from the nonsmall cell lung cancer pts it was 25,5%.After summarization of the date we looked for correlation between them.So for instance we found negative correlation between dyspnoea and resectability and between weight loss and resectability.