Cystic echinococcocis or hydatodosis occurs rarely in the Czech Republic. Through the years 2005- 2009 was recorded 11 cases, mostly among immigrants from Balkans.
Bronchobiliary fistulae is the rare complication of cystic echinococcosis of the liver. The case of a 38-year-old patient with cystic echinococcosis of liver complicated with bronchobiliary fistulae follows.
The treatment with mebendazol was started before the operation. Ten days later the resecion of the involved part of lung and the drenaige of liver cysts from the transthoratic access was made.
After the operation the course was complicated with the escape of the bile into the pleural cavity. The escape of the bile was associated with continued communication between the liver cyst and the pleural cavity, which was not enclosed spontaneously after the drain extract.
The nasobiliary drenaige made by endoscopy decreased the pressure in the bile tract and during 14days led to the spontaneous enclosure of the communication between the liver cyst and the pleural cavity. Seven months after the operation the patient is in a very good clinical condition.