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Dissection of Chromosome 18 Blood Pressure and Salt-Sensitivity Quantitative Trait Loci in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


We genetically isolate genes within the salt-sensitivity and hypertension QTLs on the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) chromosome 18 by developing and characterizing a series of congenic strains derived from the SHR and normotensive Brown Norway rat strains. The SHR.BN-D18Rat113/D18Rat82 congenic strain exhibits significantly lower blood pressure and is salt resistant compared with the SHR. sensitivity.

Derivation of congenic sublines allowed for the separation of salt sensitivity from hypertension QTL regions. Renal expression studies with microarray and Solexa-based sequencing identified 4differentially expressed genes within the hypertension QTL region.