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Patients with schizophrenia could be in good somatic health: One-year results from the Czech Republic

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine |


This study shows the results of the Wellness Program during its first year of existence. The total number of participants was 210, and of those 127 completed two-thirds of the program.

These participants have a higher body weight and have more correct answers in tests about nutrition and excercise in the baseline. Knowledge about a healthy life style was significantly improved by the end of program (tests about nutrition - 68% of answers were correct in the baseline, 84% by the end; tests about excercise- 70% at the baseline, 83% correct answers at the end).

The participants were able to remember the facts about nutrition and excercise and were also able to use them in real life which was connected to their weight loss. No changes in body weight were reported in 39,4% of patients , 22% of patients lost weight in a range of 2-5kg and 22% of patients lost more than 5kg during the 8-16 weeks of the program.

Weight gain in the range of 2-5kg was reported in 11% of patients and 5,5% of patients gained more than 5kg, respectively. We didn't find any significant difference in changes of body weight according to antipsychotic medication.

The Wellness Program has successfully accepted by the patients and its popular. It leads to the improvement of the health schizophrenic patients, decreases or keeps the body weight down and prevents social isolation and destigmatization.