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Integration of Highly Qualified Sub-Saharan Immigrants in Prague

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Successful integration of immigrants into the host society demands a creation of specific conditions that would facilitate immigrants their adaptation to a new sociocultural, economic and political environment. Therefore, the process of integration itself is not only a task for immigrants, but also for a majority.

One of the key factors for a creation of truly cohesive society is the support of positive aspects of mutual inter-cultural relations. This could be reinforced by implementation of “adequate” integration programs adapted to the local context as well as sensible use of mass media.

If the host society does not dispose of effective instruments to integrate its “own citizens”, it is generally difficult to create strategies for insertion of immigrants of different cultural backgrounds (such as Sub-Saharan Africans). Basic features of the integration process of Sub-Saharan Africans and political reactions of the major society were identified in Prague, Paris, London and Liege.