Objective: To determine whether patients with recurrent spontaneous abortions and IVF suffer from latent celiac disease. Design: Perpective study.
Settings: Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Faculty Hospital, Charles University, Pilsen. Material and methods: Sera from 442 infertile patients aged 23–47 years and 86 healthy fertile controls aged 22–38 years were examined by commercial ELISA sets for the presence (absence) of antibodies against gliadin IgG, IgA and tissue transglutaminase in IgG and IgA.
Results: We found a statistically significant difference between the control group and patients with decreased fertility. They have a positive values in anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA (p = 0.0096).
Frequent, very low positive reaction of antigliadin IgG was also found in the control group of women. Conclusion: Patients with unexplained repeated miscarriages and repeated unsuccessful IVF with IgA positive tissue transglutaminase have new complement of other tests for autoimmunity and examination of a total IgA, and gastroenterological examination.
Eleven patients with significant positive anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA were successfully conceived only under strict gluten-free diet.