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Partnerships in Addressing HIV/AIDS Issues in Ethiopia

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


Using HIV/AIDS partnership forums that exist in Ethiopia, this qualitative case study seeks to understand public, business and NGO sector partnerships in addressing HIV/AIDS issues in Ethiopia. Assuming the country’s limited resources, the importance of coordinating and mobilizing the support needed to address the issue is paramount.

The study identifies that the partnership forums have limited contributions for social capital. This led to greater tendency to rely on authoritative controls and less participation in voluntary associations and capacity of problem-solving outside the governmental sector, which also makes it difficult for mobilizing resources.

Moreover, internal priorities like competition on funding, and some times existential questions lead to ignore the importance of partnerships and engage in duplication of efforts on the side of NGOs. Additionally, the lack of interest on the issue due to other priorities is exhibited on the side of the business sector.