The paper describes current discusion on problems shared by child and adolescent psychiatry and institutional education of children that has also common topics with children's medicine. In role of patient a child placed in an educational institution appears.
The facility represents a professional partner for the psychiatrist (physician) however in children's homes there are not staff trained in issues of child and adolescent psychiatry. The current findings of the public defender of rights indicate that appropriate treatment is not guaranteed to children from educational institutions, especially not the early detection of problems.
It results in failure to adapt the regime and conditions in the children's home in accordance with child's needs; in hospitalisations as substitute for ambulant care; in the transfer of children to institutions of more severe regime or to social care homes. The instance of the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorders serves to identify the opportunities of doctor of outpatient how to support the child and the staff of educational institution.
The paper provides also the explanation of specific tools of influence on the institution and the applicable law.