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Validation of stereotypes' usage in UML class model by generated OCL constraints

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The Model Driven Development approach became popular in the past years. Domain-specific profifies are defifined for various domains and tools are used to transform UML class models using these profifiles to source code artifacts.

However, rules need to be defined for the profifile elements' usage so the transformation can be efffective and reliable. The paper deals with an approach of expressing these specific rules using a special type of meta-model using UML class diagram notation with the stereotypes defifined in the profile { we call them constraint diagrams.

In these diagrams we can restrict usage of specific stereotypes according to the other connected stereotypes. OCL invariants can be generated from these diagrams that can be used to validate a model that uses the profifile.

The approach is illustrated on an example of a UML profifile for J2EE and Flex application.