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Invacuation – the inverse evacuation

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


On June 25, 2012 in the primary school Mikulova, Prague 11 took place the very first invacuation in the Czech Republic. It is the inverse evacuation, therefore, a situation when danger is not inside the building but on the contrary outside and it is necessary to protect population, in this case children, inside the building.

For the first time it was trained in the Czech Republic although it has become a regular part of training in Western Europe within last decade as a response to the new dangers that arise in modern society. These include the risk of chemical accident, blackout, active shooter, etc.

The practice that we would like to present at the conference, held in cooperation with Fire Rescue Service of Prague, Emergency Medical Service and Police of the Czech Republic. Practice was organizationally and personally ensured by the Regional Czech Red Cross Society Prague 1 and Town District Prague 11.

In addition to the actual invacuation the emphasis, during practice, was placed on providing psychosocial care to persons in a closed building, setting up emergency phone number, emergency accommodation and eating as well as the training of the phase called lockdown, i.e. a complete lockdown of the building and controlled movement of the affected persons to the safe area of the building. Practice was also attended by observers from the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic in order to evaluate the potential overlap of this practice into the concept of emergency preparedness of educational institutions.