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RDA Cataloguing of Cartographic Documents

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The article discusses new RDA cataloguing rules which are based on the FRBR and FRAD conceptual model. It describes basic entities: work, expression, manifestation and item, as well as their attributes and relationships.

It explains RDA structure and substantial changes compared to existing AACR2 rules. They include, in particular, new terminology, new cataloguing model, and specifically "the rule of three", no abbreviations, records of numbers, errors and use of square brackets.

New MARC 21 fields are explained: the 264 field for publisher data and the 3XX field for content, media and carrier types. The paper addresses the issue of application of these changes in cartographic documents, especially in the 255 field for mathematical data elements, containing a sub-field for scale, cartographic projections and coordinates, and in the physical description field; including record samples.

The essential role in the RDA development and training of cataloguers for cartographic documents is played by an expert group for cartographic documents called MAGIRT (ALA). The rules offer freedom of application for cataloguers and cataloguing agencies; therefore, their interpretation is required, taking into account national cataloguing conventions.

The instructions have already been translated into the largest world languages.