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Impact of non-standard cultural assignment of word problems on 6th grade pupils’ performance

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper presents results of research focusing on cultural and gender aspects of mathematics textbooks and on culture of problem solving. Word problems as they are presented in Czech textbooks of mathematics tend to involve many stereotypes and the images of female and male worlds and roles in these assignments are often defined very rigorously and stereotypically.

The world of word problems presented in textbooks implicitly hands to the new generation cultural values, schemas and stereotypes of the previous one. However, if these texts are constructed with more attention to the cultural values they bear, what consequences will it have for the solving processes used by the pupils and for the pupils’ performance? Results of a test for 6th grade pupils in two variants – standard stereotypical and non-standard non-stereotypical – are analysed in the paper to see the impact of non-standard assignment on the solving strategies used by pupils and pupils’ performance.