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Double predestination: The act, not the status of predestination

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


The author analyses the first Barth's delineation of the doctrine of predestination (the lecture Gottes Gnadenwahl) which Barth presented as a prominent exponent of the reformed theology at his first visit in Hungary in 1936 and sets it in the whole of Barth's theology. Štefan assumes that Barth's re-interpretation of the doctrine of predestination, in which both the election and the rejection are strictly related to Christ whicht dissolved in his rejection our rejection, is a way between two static intellectual constructions the classical double predestination on the one hand and the doctrine of apokatastasis on the other hand. All attempts to anticipate and to fixate God's decision don't consider the interim-situation of man and theology before the second advent of Jesus Christ, wherefore Barth claims that predestination is an actual act based on Jesus Christ, not a predeterminate status