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Full texts in the Czech geographical bibliography database

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Open access to the documents is one of the basic requirements of databases users. The Bibliography provides access to 185,000 bibliographical records of Bohemical geographic and cartographic documents and to more than 30,000 full texts and objects.

The access is provided through a connection from the permanent storage, the Digital University Repository or a URL address of the bibliographical record. The works in public domain can directly become accessible or it is necessary to conclude licence agreement with authors, their heirs or with the editors of periodicals.

Full texts of 14 titles of professional periodicals, university thesis, employees' monographs or anthologies and on-line publications are available. Digitized maps have been connected to the database since 2012. 5,500 of them are accessible from the database since the beginning of 2014.

The database is an important source both for professionals and general public interested in geography and cartography.