Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited multisystem disorder of children and adults, characterised chiefly by chronic obstruction and infection of airways and by maldigestion and its consequences. For patient with CF is typical a hypokinesis, with is the result of their health state.
The role of exercise in the treatment of cystic fibrosis has received increasing attention over the past 20 years. This pilot study focuses on the three major psychosocial areas in cystic fibrosis : treatment, emotional response and socialisation.
Psychosocial research was performed by our questionnaires in two groups of patients with cystic fibrosis. In both groups was 20 patients (age: 9-14 years, 15-25 years).
In first area (treatment) was found significant difference between both groups. In the other areas a difference was not significant.
For patient with chronic illness is an important indicator of psychosocial well-being. Future studies should examine the relationship between chronic illness and psychosocial maturation.
Psychosocial screening should be incorporated into routine health care of patient with cystic fibrosis.