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Ecomorphological monitoring of the river network in the Klíčava water basin

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The contribution introduces an application of the ecomorphological survey using the EcoRivHab method on a small river running through the landscape protected area of Křivoklátsko. A brief characteristic of the area of interest was prepared based on the research of literature, digital and analogue data.

The area is unique because it contains the water reservoir Klíčava, the Game preserve in Lány and the protected landscape area of Křivoklátsko. The river habitat in the area was evaluated based on the EcoRivHab method (Matoušková, 2003, 2007).

It was tested whether it is possible to use this method on a small hilly stream with a significant proportion of natural, or near natural reaches which can be found particularly in the Game preserve in Lány. These reaches served as an example for the definition of reference locations.