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Surgical extirpation of glomus tumor from rare localization on the upper extremity

Publikace na Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, 1. lékařská fakulta |

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To report on a very rare case of a glomus tumor manifested on the upper arm in a healthy young male patient. Case Presentation and Intervention.

A 22-year-old male patient presented with bluish multifocal venous malformation on the left upper armand was admitted for venousmalformation excision. Pain, discomfort, and upper armparaesthesia had been present for almost 6 years.

Ultrasonography revealed septet tumor without blood flow in the subcutaneous region of anterior aspect of the upper arm. Amultifocal venousmalformation approximately 5–10mmin diameter was excised.

Histological examination showed dilated vascular area with proliferated glomus cells with round nucleus in the wall of dilated vascular structures. Based on histological examination, the final diagnosis was made as “glomangioma.” Conclusion.

Histological examination is the only method that can establish final diagnosis. Currently, the only available treatment for this type of tumor is surgical excision.