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Theoretical aspects of precontractual liability and legal obligations in contract negotiation



The thesis focuses on theoretical aspects of precontractual liability under Czech law, its text is divided into eight parts and has one annex. After short introduction, I analyse the original Jhering's conception of culpa in contrahendo, third part deals with connotations of a term liability.

In the fourth section, I comprehensively analyse general background of a concept of precontractual liability, then a nature of precontractual relationship. Sixth part is devoted to defining the scope and nature of precontractual liability and specific legal obligations in contract negotiation under both current and revised civil law.

Seventh and final part deals with theoretical description and definition of precontractual liability under Czech law. The list of references, including among other Czech and foreign literature and case law, is in the eighth section.

The annex provides text of selected provisions of the cited Principles of European Contract Law, the Acquis Principles and the Draft Common Frame of Reference.