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Online auction trust models

Publikace na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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The communication proceeds within Internet auction systems as a rule under the situation, when users are not in physical contact nor they do not know anything of each other. They have therefore to rely on mechanisms implemented within these online systems.

Most of such mechanisms is based on creation trustworthy environment by the help of additional attributes associated to users and their roles on the ba-sis of previous transactions or recommendations (positive or negative commentaries and messages of those who got into touch with this person within some their previous activities). The creation of trusts in online auction environment (to system itself and among users of this virtual world) is the basic element for functionality of these environments.

Some specificities and models of trusts in online auction will be described in our paper. We discuss also the trust model in commercial on-line auctions and their mechanism for trust building.