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Implantation of capsules from HEMA-tBMAAm into the rat brains: biocompatibility of implants

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The aim of this study was to examine reaction of brain tissue to implanted capsules from HEMA-tBMAAm polymer. After the transplantation implanted animals were sacrificed at various time intervals and removed brains were embedded into paraffin or cut in a vibratome.

Histological and immunohistochemical examinations proved that tissue reaction to polymer capsules was minimal and was composed of connective tissue and glial component. Glial scar was present in the injection tract and around capsules as a thin layer of GFAP+ reactive astrocytes.

Intensity of GFAP reaction subsequently decreased. Multinucleated giant cells were rarely present.

Acquired data confirm that polymer HEMA-tBMAAm was very well tolerated.