Results of treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer are unsatisfactory. Most disorders are diagnosed at an advanced stage when curative surgical resection is impossible.
In stage III, the usual combination with surgical treatment or radiotherapy in stage IV, usually as a separate treatment. Significant advances in chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer accounted for the introduction of cytostatics III. generation into clinical practice in the 90 the last century.
Although it is commonly used drugs and was performed more clinical trials comparing treatment regimens with these drugs is still unclear which of them is the ratio of optimal efficacy and safety. In metanaanalysis T.
Le Chevalier published on 10 World Conference on Lung Cancer in Vancouver was included 13 studies comparing the effectiveness of different schemes. The results of this metanalyses showed that the longest overall survival and the longest time to progression was the combination of gemcitabine with a platinum derivative.