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Celebritisation in Czech Political Communication From 1989 To the Present

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Today, the role of celebrities in political communication is evident. The focus of this paper is to look at how the involvement of celebrities in Czech political communication has continued to evolve in the post-1989 period.

It reflects the ongoing academic debate on the ways in which politics and popular culture are interacting and influencing each another, as discussed by such authors as John Street or Liesbet van Zoonen. One question the study attempts to answer is whether the Czech situation mirrors that of foreign environments in terms of the conclusions to be drawn and observations made on the involvement (intrusion) of celebrities into political communication - the role played by celebritization.

The second question relates to the specificity of the concept of anti-communism that was manifested and more-or-less explicitly supported by some of the activities of popular figures.The results will have produced not only a mapping of the impact of celebritization on developments that have taken place but also help to provide an understanding of some of the consequences for further studies on contemporary, post-communist political communication and media studies in general.