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Defects in Carbon-Rich Ferrite of Cold-Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wires

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


By means of X-ray line profile analysis and positron lifetime spectroscopy, densities of deformation-induced defects in carbon-rich ferrite of a series of cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires with true strains (epsilon) up to 5 are characterized. It is shown that both the dislocation densities and the vacancy cluster concentrations increase continuously with increasing epsilon.

On the basis of the measured defect densities, values of defect hardening are estimated. The result shows that contributions of the defect hardening to the total tensile strength of the wires reach nearly 40 pct, which is mainly ascribed to the dislocation hardening.

Chemical surroundings of the defects in the carbon-rich ferrite are investigated by coincidence Doppler broadening spectroscopy. The association of carbon with the defects in ferrite is demonstrated.