National Medical Library (NML) seeks to change the approach of library and information professionals toward their users through re-design their services. The attention of librarian specialists has increasingly focused on the development of technological processes, on the reduction of user barriers in access to specialized resources and services inside libraries, on the other hand, not too much attention is paid surveys of user behavior.
More extensive analyses of the information behavior of medical libraries were performed in 80-ies of the last century. The authors' intention is to introduce a preparation, process, evaluation and results of a pilot survey sized of 192 randomly selected respondents - users of NML; 159 of which responded to the survey questions electronically and 33 ones has completed the paper version of the questionnaire distributed in office of lending protocol at Ministry of Health (Department of Scientific Information).
The main objective of the survey was to determine the degree of user satisfaction NML in the following areas: the offer and quality of library and information services, willingness and helpfulness of librarians to the demands and needs of users and satisfaction with technical and sanitary facilities library. The survey results will be presented in the form of surveillance graphs with emphasis on statistically significant differentiation NLK evaluation services in the above areas according to sorting factors (place of completing of the questionnaire, frequency of visits, the main user groups, programs and fields of study, age and sex of respondents).