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Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 338. Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae

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Rhyssemus puncticollis Brown, 1929. Bohemia centr., Stará Boleslav, Proboštská jezera (5754), 50o12'09"N 14o38'54"E, 169 m a.s.l., 17.vii.2006, 3 spec., sifted from sandy soil on shore of artificial lake (flooded sandpit) together with several tens of specimens of Rhyssemus germanus (Linnaeus, 1767) and Psammodius asper (Fabricius, 1775), V.

Novák leg., D. Král det., 1 spec. coll.

National Museum, Praha, 2 spec. coll. V.

Novák (Praha); Brandys [= Brandys nad Labem] (5853-5854), 21.vii. [without year of collecting; but probably beginning of the 20th century, see Koleška (1995)], 1 spec., [J.] Zeman [probably leg.]; Lobkovice [nowadays a part of Neratovice] (5753), 1.v. [without year of collecting, but probably beginning of the 20th century, see Koleška (1995)], 1 spec., [J.] Zeman [probably leg.], both specimens D. Král det., coll.

National Museum, Praha; Moravia mer., Mutěnice (7068-7168) [without date of collecting, but before 1948, see Koleška (1979)], 1 spec., J. Bechyně leg., D.

Král det., coll. National Museum, Praha.

Rhyssemus puncticollis was described from Toronto (Canada) and later synonymized with R. germanus (Brown 1929, 1950). Rhyssemus germanus is considered a widespread Palaearctic species introduced to North America, where it has been recorded only from the vicinity of the Great Lakes and St.

Lawrence River (e. g., Gordon & Cartwright 1980, Gordon & Pittino 1992). Rößner (2012), also based on personal communication with R.

Pittino (Milan, Italy), regards R. puncticollis as a valid species hitherto known to him from Germany (also from several recent localities), Austria (Wien) and the Czech Republic from "Čelákovice in Böhmen". In the literature, records of R. germanus are probably frequently confused with those of R. puncticollis.

In terms of the territory of the Czech Republic this can be particularly applied to material from the vicinity of Brandys nad Labem - Stará Boleslav (cf. e. g., Král & Vitner 1993, Novák 2007, Juřena et al. 2008).