The beginnings of Slovak film music were determined by social and political conditions of the first Czechoslovak Republic. Aesthetic communication between music and picture carried out in the context of the union of art, as described by Czech aesthetician Otakar Hostinsky.
The object of this article is to explore the music of these films: Janosik (Jánošík, 1921, composer Vladimir Gabriel Sasko), The Land is Singing (Zem spieva, 1933, composer Frantisek Skvor), Watch out! (Varúj!, 1946, composer Simon Jurovsky), The Devil's Wall (Čertova stena,1948, composer Tibor Freso), The Wolf Holes (Vlčie diery, 1948, composer Jan Cikker), Kate (Katka, 1949, composer Tibor Andrasovan). Slovak film music, its value and aesthetic program as well as its function were gradually but significantly differentiated, thus creating a space to distinguish intentions of the Slovak film creators and music composers.