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Tanakh between the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Septuagint, or is the Narrower Canon Sufficient?

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The study generally suggest the direction of current profesional discussion on the purpose and concept of the Old Testament text. The study consist of the five sections: a) firstly it defines the concept of canon and its function, and points both to the current interest in the canon and to the overestimation of events in Jabneh; b) Tanakh - the genesis and a form of the Hebrew canon; c) the Septuagint as the Greek written living textual tradition of the Diaspora; d) the Samaritan Pentateuch as an example of the narrowest possible type; e) fundamental specifics mand thesis of the sufficiency of the narrower form of the Hebrew written living textual tradition, i.e.

Tanakh; this is based on a normative position of the Torah in the canon and on its function of a carrier of the Word of the Lord as it is expressed in the Creation Hymn preceding all the content of the Tanakh