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The Motif of Hanging Oneself in N. Leskov's Novella 'Užburtas klajunas' and in One Legend from V. Kreve's Collection 'Aitvaras dyuku legendose'

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The article provides an overview of the folklore activities of Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius, remembers certain of their aspects, evaluates his folklore compilations and discusses potential prospects for their studying. The article presents the evaluations of Krėvė's works, published as folklore texts without attempting to examine the nuances of individuality and tradition, instead, attempts are made to draw the attention to the ways the texts, which are not made own by neither folklorists, not litterateurs, could become open for different studies as a complex phenomenon of the traditional culture: both litterateurs and folklorists can find something of interest there.

Literary critics' insights can help to reveal the genesis of more than one piece or image of unclear origins, which is considered a folklore piece. In the folklore pieces, recorded by Krėvė, one can find a significant amount of individual contribution and free interpretation.

The position, formulated by the scholars of verbal folklore, who examined the problem of authenticity of the folklore texts, recorded and published by Krėvė, that texts, freely edited, and sometimes even invented or created by a writer or scholar of Lithuanian or other nations' folklore and literature in order to reach some objectives, cannot be universally referred to as authentic examples of the verbal folklore heritage, is prevalent in Lithuanian folkloristics. However with the expansion of the field of research, covered by folkloristics, the materials, published by Krėvė may be returned to.