Continuing professional development ((PD) with corresponding crediting system is recognized as essential for the laboratory medicine specialists to provide optimal service for the patients. Article presents results of the survey evaluating current OD crediting practice among members of European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM).
A questionnaire had been forwarded to presidents/national representatives of all EFLM members, with invitation to provide information about (PD programmes and crediting policies, as well as feedback on individual (PD categories, through scoring their relevance. Results: Complete or partial answers were received from 28 of 38 members.
In 23 countries, (PD programmes exist and earn credits, with 19 of them offering access to non-medical scientists. (PD activities are evaluated in all participating countries, regardless to the existence of an official (PD programme. Among participating members with mandatory specialists' licensing (22/28), (PD is a prerequisite for relicensing in 13 countries.
Main categories recognized as OD are: continuing education (24 countries), article/book (17/14 countries) authorship and distance learning (14 countries). The highest median score of relevance (20) is allocated to professional training, editor/authorship and official activities in professional organizations, with the first category showing the least variation among scores.
Majority of EFLM members have developed (PD programmes, regularly evaluated and accompanied by crediting systems. Programmes differ in accessibility for non-medical scientists and impact on relicensing eligibility.
Continuing education, authorship and e-learning are mainly recognized as (PD activities, although the professional training is appreciated as the most important individual (PD category.