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New Detection System for Fast Density Measurements Using the Lithium Beam on the COMPASS Tokamak

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The lithium beam diagnostic at COMPASS is designed for measurements of the edge plasma density profile and fluctuations and edge plasma current fluctuations. The principle of the diagnostic is detection of light coming from collisionally excited Li atoms — beam emission spectroscopy (BES) - and a direct detection of the ionized part of the beam (atomic beam probe — ABP).

For slow density measurements a charged coupled device (CCD) camera has been installed and is already working. For fast twodimensional density profile and density fluctuation measurements an array of avalanche photodiode detectors (APDs) will be used.

The two-dimensional resolution of the measurement will be possible using fast poloidal deflection and chopping of the beam. Apart from routine density profile measurement, the diagnostic will be capable of investigating the turbulent structures in the edge plasma by cross-correlating the signals coming from poloidally deflected virtual beams.

The article describes the recently installed detection system and its experimental aims.