Between years 2003 and 2006, an instrument for research on the quality of physics education was created. It includes 26 parameters of quality of physics education and a rating system for each of the parameters.
The standardization process was carried out, besides other things, based on an investigation of 75 physics lessons (led by 10 teachers in the school year 2004/5). Recently, this instrument has served as an inspiration for creation of other research instruments, e. g. for research on the quality of foreign languages education.
The aim of the present investigation is to determine possibilities of the existing instrument for longitudinal research on the quality of physics education. Thus, the instrument has been used to investigate the quality of teaching of 3 teachers (more than 20 lessons in total) whose lessons were already analysed eight years ago.
Based on the present results compared with the previous results and the reflection provided by the teachers, relevant data has been determined regarding the use of the instrument in longitudinal research. This instrument seems to be useful if the different reliability of particular parameters (determined during the standardization process) is taken into account.
Moreover, this instrument could be possibly used as an auto-evaluation tool.