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Modelling the surface run-off in extreme relief

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Abstract. Surface runoff modeling in extreme geomorphological relief.

Surface runoff modeling is one of the important issues of hydrologic modeling. Accurate underpinning of the surface runoff vo-lume during the rainfall-runoff episodes is the important duty of the hydrologic forecast service, which operates in Czech Hydrometeorological Institute together with catchment administration or-ganizations.

Surface runoff value is important factor during the severe storms and flash floods par-ticularly. Searching and utilization of adequate software tools from GIS and numerical models range is necessary from that point of view.

Several tools exist for surface runoff (Horton runoff) value de-termination in GIS GRASS. These tools mainly differ in used algorithms and in the possibilities of production of the output rasters.

R.flow, t.rerraflow, r.watershed and r.sim.water (SIMWE) are most used and best known modules. These modules are mainly raster modules within the GRASS plat-form but r.sim.water is also rainfall-runoff and dynamical erosion model.

In hydrologic forecast ser-vice they have their equivalents in semidistributed rainfall-runoff model HYDROG. Complex and ful-ly distributed models, which can produce raster of the surface runoff are MIKE SHE and GSSHA.

This article makes an effort in comparison of such tools in subbasins of the extreme relief of Cesko-Saske Svycarsko National Park. Demonstration of possibilities of such tools in this type of relief shows, how proper hydrological forecast could be using these tools during both standard and ex-treme hydrological situations.