The paper compares results of the pedagogical investigations conducted in the years 2000 and 2010 and covering the Czech population of 18 - 61+ years using SFSPA questionary. The opinions and attitudes of the respondents concerning their daily routine, regime, motive activity and sport were ascertained.
In the text we focus to daily routine and regime of respondents, only. The basic statistical characteristics of the sets : in the year 2000 1655 of adults were interviewed, of which 803 males (48,5%) and 852 females (51,5%).
In the year 2010 1131 individuals were interviewed, of which 554 males (49%) and 557 females (51%) at the age of 18 - 61+ years. The results obviously show that within the period of 10 years (2000 - 2010) a shift in the irregularity of the daily routine to disadvantage of the 2010 set was found (significantly).
The males show 11,8% in the item „stressed daily“ (in 2000), while in 2010 the increase to 22,6% is monitored, i.e. more than 11% difference (the females 10% - significantly). The magnitude of the pedagogical problem can be seen in the "daily" consumption of alcohol, in particular, when males are admitting the grow of more than 23%, females of more than 15%.
The global exposition of the results will be presented in the separate paper.