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The Son of Divine Providence : Napoleon Bonaparte as an Instrument of God´s will in the correspondence of J. F. Opiz with the priest K. Killar

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The main aim of this predominantly material and empirical study is to present a picture of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Napoleonic Wars and concomitnt events as reflected by an interesting (and hitherto basically unresearched) source, namely in the correspondence of the enlightener (and well-known emirer of the French Revolution) Johann ferdinand Opiz - the 20th anniversary of whose death was in January 2012 - and the priest Karl Killar. The study attempts to assemble Napoleonic motifs - scattered between eht lines of various topics - and above all identity within them a certain unifying thread which would enable an understanding of the changes or, on the contrary, constant features in his attitude towards France (and Napoleon Bonaparte in particular) inOpiz´s thinking.