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Higher education centers and regions : Regional mobility of students and graduates and diffusion of innovations

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The study deals with the mobility of students and graduates and graduates as innovators in organizations where they work. The study consists of three main chapters.

The first chapter deals with the question of at what higher education institutions are students studying and where these students come from. This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the regional structure of students, depending on the region of their higher education institution seat.

Not only are the absolute numbers analyzed but also the degree of concentration of higher education students in each region is examined. Another part of the chapter deals with the question of where (in terms of region of residence) students studying at various higher education institutions in different regions of the Czech Republic come from and again the size of the region's population is taken into account.

The second chapter maps to details where higher education graduates go after graduation and where they work. For this purpose data of international REFLEX project and a national survey REFLEX 2010 are used.

The structure of higher education graduates in relevant regions by place of work and the structure of employed higher education graduates in each region according to the seat of the their faculty is analyzed. In the second part of this chapter all the previous knowledge is put together and the analysis focuses on the relation between the original place of residence, seat of the school and mobility of graduates after graduation.

On this basis, five basic types of mobility of students and graduates are then defined. The third and final chapter deals with innovation.

In this chapter the summary innovation index which is used by EU to assess innovation performance of each country is utilized. Following this concept (again with the use of data from the REFLEX survey) the extent of innovation in graduates employers' organizations and the role in introducing these innovations graduates play is analyzed.